Friday, June 11, 2010


My cat just sprinkled my bed with her cat litter and now I'm super sad and lying on my bed crying tears of blood. Covered in cat litter.
I've been trying to find an internship with a gallery or with an artist cause I thought it'd be interesting to try something not commercial/nothing related to illustration. But far not so much luck with that.

I made banana bread today and now my apartment smells delicious but I'm still very sad because I'm still lying in cat litter. Laundry time..soon.

I'm taking an online course now to help me forget my loneliness correct my horrible sleeping habit and get motivated to do stuff. Plus my writing sucks so I gotta practice.

But I've also gotten over feeling guilty about playing my PS2 so I'm kind of failing productivity wise right now.
but we'll see.

No sketches for now cause I'm a lazy bumbumbummm.

I want chinese food so bad.

Also. My friend and I are working on a site for uh.. potential point and click games we will make
in the near future, and maybe some comic-sy things. Actually right now he's doing all the work I'm just sitting here brain farting and eating lots.

Soo much cat litter.

I'm always apprehensive about posting stuff on here and how I write cause I don't know who reads this. I kind of feel like no one really does anyways.

I dunno. I feel like I should be writing uh.. more professionally? But at the same time I feel like the first impression people have of me is an ice cold asian bitch. So I guess this is my way of saying hey ..hey... I'm pretty cool. right? I don't take everything seriously eh... I like silly things.. I have a sense of humor. aaaaaaaaaaaaaah.. ok

get off my bed cat.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010


I didn't draw as much as I thought I did. woah.
yeah. I really don't expect anyone to be able to read my handwriting. it's ok.


hey look it's my cat

I think she eats bugs while I'm asleep.

Present day things

some stuff I'm doing now... I basically didn't leave my apartment the first two weeks or so of summer vacation and got really bored and frustrated. so I drew a bit then I went to parks and stuff and drew some trees and shit. I went down to New York for a couple of days to check out the Mark Ryden Show and hang out with some friends. a nice change, but I think I spent 80% of my time there eating and eating and eating desserts and walking.
sooo much good food. my wallet is crying.

Some vanity

cause I love my face
not reaaaaaally


Skinned Moles

I have two moleskines
that I try to draw in.. cause you know
it's a nice surface to draw in.
but also super fffffing expensive so I don't want to draw stupid shit.
which I end up doing anyways. oh well.

eh I got really into drawing mugshots at the start of the semester but I got bored.
I like my scanner..even though it's 1000000000 years old. I don't really have to alter anything. and the colors are pretty accurate
it just can't seem to handle really saturated colors which is a shame
cause they're fun to paint in

Some sketchbook things

I'm super ashamed that I'm one of those people who bulk up their sketchbooks over break
and I draw next to nothing for myself over the semester.

here's some stuff from last semester

and some stuff from this semester.

I don't know if I've improved
but I drew at least one baby pram each semester and I had to label that there was a baby inside last semester.
that counts for something right?

A new start!

for sure!
I swear I have commitment issues.
uhhh yeah
here's some figure drawings I did over the last year hurray!
I finally got around to hooking up my scanner so I went on a ridiculous scanning craze so I can finally show some new stuff
hooray hooray hooray!
here's some figure drawing things
I'm pretty good at pasting stuff together in photoshop right?
I think I accidentally spilled water on one of my sketchbooks so that's what those wrinkly shady shadow things are.