Thursday, May 26, 2011

More drawing needs to happen

I'm going to do something to the top one.. I got a landscape handbook... because I like long compositions... but it's kind of awkward and unwieldy to draw in. Was listening to Aquarium by Nosaj Thing over and over again so I wanted maybe..some text in there so I wanted the empty space.. but it looked really odd so that page is an afterthought.

But I guess I shouldn't be thinking about it that intensely.

wanna wanna do more portraaaaiits

I finally got my old scanner to work. turns out I've just been downloading the driver over and over again and forgot to download the software. whoops.
I'm going to miss the super nice epson scanners at school. what a sexy beast.

Monday, May 23, 2011


Decided to dedicate a seperate post for this. since it's semi longish.. uh. and I'm too lazy to figure out if they did get rid of page breaks or not.

Kind of based off a poem by Vladmir Mayakovsky. I'm not really sure how I found it but I like it a lot. I was also listening to Adele "chasing pavements" on repeat. melancholy days...

anyhoo.. I'm thinking about maybe turning this into a woodcut. I have a thing for singular central compositions. bad me. I'll try and move away from that. My independent study teacher pointed out that I seem to go straight with a very simplistic finish, and that maybe I should start out with a more fleshed out detailed sketch and simplify it from there, so I'm more conscious of what I'm simplifying and not losing something that could potentially make the piece stronger as a whole.

It's a weird feeling knowing that I'm graduating and won't have the benefit of having in-class critiques or feedback from teachers. So my plan for this summer is to try and experiment with as many different mediums, even though I want to keep up with woodcut, it's not as flexible as I'd like it to be, and I don't want to limit myself to certain jobs because of how long the process is.

oh yeah here's the poem if you want to read it!

Valdimir Mayakovsky

Listen, if stars are lit
it means - there is someone who needs it.
It means - someone wants them to be,
that someone deems those specks of spit magnificent.

And overwrought,
in the swirls of afternoon dust,
he bursts in on God,
afraid he might be already late.
In tears,
he kisses God’s sinewy hand
and begs him to guarantee
that there will definitely be a star.
He swears
he won’t be able to stand
that starless ordeal.

He wanders around, worried,
but outwardly calm.

And to everyone else, he says:
it’s all right.
You are no longer afraid,
are you?’

if stars are lit,
it means - there is someone who needs it.
It means it is essential
that every evening
at least one star should ascend
over the crest of the building.

I've been doing a bunch of spring cleaning, not only in my apartment/studio but also on my computer. So there's been a lot of rereading of super teenagery angsty notes. They're super embarrassing but sometimes I say some really weird phrases that I think could have an interesting image to go along with . So we'll see.

Hey Hey Heey

some sketchbook stuff I haven't really had time this or last semester to do any drawing for myself. so I'm planning on doing a lot more of that over summer. Planning on doing a bunch of woodcuts too! hopefully it'll all work out and I'll have pieces I like.
dump dump dump dump!

Uhhh did blogspot take away page breaks?! I'm confused.
anyways I got a tumblr as well so check it out? I'll most probably be updating both simultaneously, but if you don't want to deal with my blabberyness and just want images I'll probably be less wordy on my tumblr. Plus I think the reblogging thing is pretty cool and I think tumblr has more opportunities in a conversation between some ways. ASK ME QUESTIONS I'LL TRY AND ANSWER THEM.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Sorry Guise

Still alive! Too busy not doing anything!
Don't want to make this an image heavy post so here's a piece from my portfolio
you can see the rest of my portfolio pieces on my websiiiitieeeeeeee :
yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah! website navigation thing is still in the works I want to do something silly with it but not sure how it'll stand on a professional level. WE'LL SEE.

I'm graduating next friday. it's kind of a weird feeling. I still need to hear back and see if I can do OPT and stay in the states. sick life. thanks.
alright alright alright. YEAAAAAAH. I have a couple of ideas for some new pieces. hopefully I can do summer studios and have a space to work in. I'm going to try and see if I can incorporate some digital aspects to this to maybe speed up the process.. who knows? I'm not a fan with working with textures in photoshop. I'd rather it by hand. but we'll see. fun stuff fun stuff fun stuff!